This is a site about Rosario Dawson and her Political Activism.
The Garden of Eden and Nudity
In many artistic representations and religious texts, the Garden of Eden is depicted as a paradise where the first humans, Adam and Eve, lived in a state of innocence and purity. This state included nudity, as they were unaware of their nakedness and not ashamed of it until gaining the knowledge of good and evil.
Nudity in the Garden of Eden symbolizes the original innocence and lack of shame before the Fall of Man. After eating the forbidden fruit, Adam and Eve became conscious of their nakedness and covered themselves with fig leaves, marking the beginning of human awareness and the loss of innocent simplicity.
Interesting website.
Although i still not have found the nude pics of Rosario Dawson…lol.
I read the post on Occult Crimes: Jersey, Channel Islands.
Although i am unsure as to what the objective truth is about the information that is listed on this site.
I also do not know as to whether the crimes that are alleged in your article are related to ritual occultism or not.
I think that this is important in order to distinguish the crimes from other crimes.
Being from Jersey, I also know of other crimes that have happened on the island. Such as the scandal during the 80s where a local family were caught by the police to have been abducting domestic animals, subjecting the animals to torture and abuse before slaughtering.
Apparently, this family had an area in their living space which they used as an open grave where they disposed of the animal carcasses, which were in the hundreds, after their slaughtering activities.
I also heard rumours that one room had a Satanic alter set up with a large Pentagram drawn or painted on the floor.
Many of the family members still live in Jersey and the ones who were found guilty of cruelty to animals didn’t spend much time in prison and where left out to continue their lives or perhaps even abuse.
The Jersey police do have photos of the house in their archives.
I also note, if you have lived in the island over the past 15 years, you would have noticed there is a pattern of people dying from falling off a cliff. This would not be suspicious had the people fallen off cliffs randomly etc.
However, many of the people have fallen off cliffs on full moons.
I also speculate that many of the people who have fallen off cliffs are people who certain people who live in Jersey whom i believe practice ritual occultism have a grudge or problem with.
In particular, one family again comes to light, who may or may not be the family who slaughtered the animals as mentioned above.
Ritual Occult Abuse. Why Jersey?
Well, if you read up on the history of Jersey and the other channel islands. you will find that Jersey has a long history of Magick.
I also note, Jersey has always been a place connected with the British Royal Family.
Jersey being a tax haven, is a place frequented by the wealthy, which include aristocrats who have a history of ritual occultism for entertainment.
Jersey is also a place where “entertainers” go to stash their money (tax avoidance) and to generate more money through borrowing.
Those in Entertainment, politics and power have always had an interest in ritual occultism.
Lastly, Jersey was the only place in Britain that was occupied by the German army and Nazi’s. Nazi’s I am sure you will know, also had an avid interest in magick and gave special importance to symbols and artifacts that they thought had or gave them magickal power.
I personally find all this magick very distressing as well as those who hold such delusional beliefs ignorant, immature and in many cases sadistically criminal.
I wish you luck with your attempt at tackling ritual occult crime / abuse.
If only the human race would grow up and leave this nonsense in the past.
Not Fox Mulder
Sexy woman plus a fighter against Luciferians and Globalism, what more could a man want <3